Chat with Andreas Kling about Ladybird and developing a browser engine

Andreas Kling, the lead developer of the Ladybird browser, discusses the origins and development of the browser engine in a conversation with Eric Meyer and Brian Kardell of Igalia. Kling explains that Ladybird started as a hobby project after he went through a drug rehab program and had extra time on his hands. What began as a simple HTML widget quickly grew into a full-fledged browser engine. Kling, who has a background in browsers, explains that Ladybird is part of the larger SerenityOS project, which aims to build an operating system from scratch. The browser engine within Ladybird is called LibWeb. Kling notes that building a browser engine is a significant undertaking, but it’s an exciting time to do so thanks to the improved quality of specifications and the opportunity to contribute to the evolution of the web platform. The conversation highlights the challenges and opportunities of creating a new browser engine and the unique approach of the SerenityOS project.

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