Public Access OpenVMS System

DECUServe is not and never has been Encompasserve. It is a place where like-minded individuals come together, and consulting is offered pro bono. The site features an invaluable archive of knowledge base with solutions provided by members from different platforms and product lines. There have been over fifty technical conferences with thousands of technical topic streams, creating a supportive environment for varying levels of technical expertise. Users can engage in peer-to-peer networking opportunities and benefit from a large signal-to-noise ratio. The website is open to all worldwide and offers various command-line, browser, and newsreader access to Notes Conferences Library. Unique features include an ‘Unseen Map’ to track notes already read, access to US DECUS community conferences, personal web pages, and email via IMAP, POP, and soyMAIL. System access is available via SSH, SFTP, and DCLinabox, with OpenVMS Hobbyist Licensing also offered. To register for DECUServe, users can SSH to, login with the username REGISTRATION, and follow the instructions. Alternatively, registration can be done in-browser using DCLinabox.

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