OpenSSL 1.1.1, which was released in 2018 as a Long Term Support (LTS) release, has now reached its End of Life (EOL). This means that it will no longer receive publicly available security fixes. If you obtained OpenSSL 1.1.1 from an Operating System vendor or another third party, their support periods may be different, so it’s best to check with them directly. If you downloaded OpenSSL 1.1.1 directly from the OpenSSL project, it is recommended to upgrade to a more recent version. The most recent version is OpenSSL 3.1, which will be supported until March 14th. OpenSSL 3.0 is also available as an LTS release and will be supported until September 7th, 2026. Additionally, there is the option to purchase a premium support contract for extended support beyond the public EOL date. There is no set end date for this extended support, and OpenSSL intends to continue providing it for the foreseeable future. For more information, visit the OpenSSL support contracts page or contact [email protected].