Horcrux: Split your file into encrypted fragments

horcrux is a tool that allows users to split their files into encrypted horcruxes, eliminating the need for remembering a passcode. The tool has two commands: split and bind. Splitting involves specifying the number of horcruxes and the minimum number required to resurrect the original file. The horcrux files are then created and can be dispersed across various USBs or online locations. To bind the horcruxes back into the original file, one simply needs to call the bind command. The tool is designed for individuals who need to encrypt large sensitive files and don’t expect to remember passwords in the future. It is also useful for transmitting files across multiple channels, reducing the chance of interception. It should be noted that horcruxes in the Harry Potter universe operate slightly differently, but the tool’s functionality is similar. The author points out that the tool uses the Shamir Secret Sharing Scheme to break an encryption key into parts that can be recombined to create the original key, requiring a certain threshold. The author has provided alternatives to horcrux, such as ssss and Haystack. The former works for keys, but not files, while the latter requires a password for reassembly and does not support thresholds of


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