KitForStartups – The Open Source SvelteKit SaaS Boilerplate

KitForStartups is an open-source SvelteKit SaaS boilerplate designed to help developers build and ship full stack SaaS applications quickly and securely. It tackles common challenges such as setting up authentication systems, app structuring, payment integration, and reliable email testing. The tech stack includes SvelteKit, TypeScript, Drizzle ORM, Tailwind CSS, and supports databases like MySQL, SQLite, and PostgreSQL (coming soon). The installation process involves cloning the repository, setting up environment variables, configuring the database (with the option to use Docker), running migrations, and setting up email testing with MailHog. The roadmap for KitForStartups includes planned features like PostgreSQL support, error handling, authorization logic, and integrations with Stripe, Lemon Squeezy, and Mailgun. A CLI for generating starter projects and a central configuration file are also in the works.

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