A peek into Argentina’s video game scene

Argentina’s video game industry is experiencing significant growth, as showcased at the annual Argentine Video Game Expo (EVA) in Buenos Aires. The event attracted 25,000 visitors and featured 111 game creations from developers across the country, demonstrating the industry’s strength and expansion. While Argentina is a relatively small player in the global video game market, with $90 million in revenue reported in 2022, the figure represents a 29% growth compared to the previous year. The number of game studios and universities offering video game development courses in Argentina is also on the rise. The EVA highlighted the diverse storytelling opportunities offered by video games, with games like “Tenebris Somnia” combining 8-bit gameplay with live-action cutscenes, and “Los Infernales” exploring the myth of the Gaucho army. Smaller indie projects, such as “Llamalandia” and “Timmy’s Adventures,” also showcased unique and personal narratives. Additionally, Argentine studios are involved in developing games for well-known franchises like “Star Trek.” Despite the industry’s success, there are challenges such as difficulty competing with international salaries and a lack of women’s representation. However, the EVA provided an opportunity for Argentine developers to connect with international


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