Things I just don’t like about Git

Git has come a long way in improving its functionality, but it still has a host of flaws. One major issue is its use of the deprecated sha1 cryptographic primitive, which is difficult to change due to its integration into the on-disk formats. Git’s unique data formats and structures also contribute to its complexities. Storing names and emails in every commit makes it challenging to manage changes in personal information. Additionally, git’s implementation of submodules and lfs differs significantly, causing confusion and frustration. The lack of support for subtree checkouts and the restrictive choice between rebases and merges further highlight its limitations. Git aligns with the Unix philosophy but falls short in terms of usability and error recovery. Its architecture makes it challenging to incorporate cross-cutting features or undo/redo functionality. Despite its faults, Git is still a preferred version control system, as the alternative options are even worse.

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