Building a 42-inch E-Ink frame for generative art

Recently, I embarked on a project to display Generative AI art in our office at PhotoRoom. Instead of opting for a mundane large TV, we wanted something more unique. That’s when I came across the 42-inch E Ink panels sold by the E Ink Corporation. Instantly captivated, I decided to utilize these panels for our non-traditional display addiction. After salvaging a flip-dot display from a UK bus, I was determined to create an even bigger and more impressive build. The result is a frame that seamlessly transitions from one image to another. Our journey included sourcing components, custom framing, controlling the display using a Raspberry Pi, preprocessing images with Blue Noise dithering, and addressing ghosting issues. We have future plans to make it battery-powered and incorporate ChatGPT for art curation. Special thanks to Charly, Nico, and Florian for their contributions to this project.

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