California Right to Repair Signed into Law

Governor Gavin Newsom has signed the California Right to Repair Act into law, marking a significant milestone in the Right to Repair movement. The legislation, championed by state senator Susan Talamantes Eggman and cosponsored by iFixit and other organizations, aims to give consumers the right to fix their own electronic devices. With access to original parts, tools, and documentation, independent repair shops will be able to compete again. California now joins Minnesota and New York in guaranteeing people more control over their electronic devices. The new law mandates manufacturers to keep repair materials available for up to seven years, reducing electronic waste. However, the Governor vetoed a companion bill for powered wheelchairs, which the Right to Repair movement hopes to address in future legislative sessions. California’s passage of this act is a victory for consumers and the environment, and sets a precedent for other states and countries to follow.

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