Protomaps – A free and open source map of the world

Protomaps is an open source map of the world that can be easily deployed as a single static file on cloud storage. It uses the PMTiles format, which is a specification for single-file tile pyramids that are organized in a compressed Hilbert ordering and can be queried via HTTP Range Requests. Protomaps can be delivered through edge networks like AWS Cloudfront and Cloudflare for faster loading times. It provides first-class support for popular mapping libraries like Leaflet and MapLibre GL, allowing users to visualize their own geodata. According to Aaron Straup Cope, Protomaps is the most exciting development in digital mapping in the past decade. It offers cost-effective mapping solutions and gives users full control over their map-based projects, without relying on third-party services or APIs. Protomaps is a self-funded, independent software project that aims to make interactive cartography accessible to everyone. Users can show their support by downloading the open source tileset or contributing to the development of new features.

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