Parable of the Polygons

Our adorable segregation sim is an homage to the groundbreaking work of Nobel Prize-winning game theorist, Thomas Schelling, and his 1971 paper on Dynamic Models of Segregation. We took Schelling’s model and added a twist, demonstrating how a simple demand for diversity can actually lead to neighborhood desegregation. While Schelling’s model captures the essence of the issue, real life is far more complex. For those interested, check out W.A.V. Clark’s paper from 1991, which tests Schelling’s segregation model. It’s worth noting that there are other mathematical models that explore institutionalized bias, such as Male-Female Differences: A Computer Simulation, which reveals how subtle gender biases can accumulate in the corporate world. Our underlying message is clear: advocating for diversity in our spaces has a profound impact overall. Take, for instance, the Plz Diversify Your Panel initiative, which ensures that panels have a diverse representation of speakers. Our “playable post” is inspired by the innovative work of Bret Victor and Ian Bogost. On a final note, we encourage you to support organizations like Black Girls Code, Girls Who Code, Code 2040, Code Liberation, and Nicky’s Patreon, all of whom are

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