Shoelace: A library of web components

Shoelace is a web component library that works with all frameworks and CDNs. It can be fully customized with CSS and even includes a dark theme. The library is built with accessibility in mind and offers first-class React support. Shoelace also comes with built-in localization and is open source. It is designed to solve the limitations of framework-specific components by providing a framework-agnostic solution that is supported by all modern browsers. Shoelace offers a collection of professionally designed UI components that can be customized to match any existing designs and can be used across multiple apps with different frameworks. It is a cost-saving solution for organizations looking to build a design system. Shoelace is tested in the latest versions of popular browsers and is licensed under MIT. The library relies on various projects and individuals to make it possible, including Lit, Custom Elements Manifest Analyzer, 11ty, jsDelivr, Tailwind, Bootstrap Icons, unDraw, Floating UI, animate.css, and Lunr.

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