Wind turbines are friendlier to birds than oil-and-gas drilling

A new analysis of American data suggests that wind turbines have a negligible impact on bird populations, contrary to the concerns of birders. The study, published in Environmental Science & Technology, used the Christmas Bird Count data from the National Audubon Society to assess the effects of wind turbines on bird numbers. The analysis found that building turbines did not lead to a decrease in bird populations, even among larger birds that are believed to be more vulnerable. In contrast, the study revealed a 15% drop in bird numbers when new gas wells were drilled, rising to 25% in important bird areas. The findings highlight wind power as an environmentally friendly alternative to fossil fuels, both in terms of carbon emissions and wildlife impact. Surprisingly, despite the negligible impact on birds, major American news outlets reported more negative effects of wind turbines compared to oil-and-gas wells.

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