Supabase Storage: now supports the S3 protocol

Supabase Storage has officially become an S3-Compatible Storage Provider, addressing a highly-requested feature available in public alpha. Resumable Uploads are now Generally Available, transitioning from Beta. The Storage Engine is entirely open-source, offering three interoperable protocols for file management: Standard uploads, Resumable uploads, and S3 uploads for compatibility across various tools. Supabase emphasizes industry standards, making workloads easily portable. Authentication with Supabase S3 involves access_key and secret_key credentials, or user-scoped credentials with RLS for scoped access to specific buckets. The S3 compatibility allows connections to third-party tools like AWS CLI, rclone, and Cyberduck. Additionally, data engineers can utilize S3 compatibility with popular tools for data warehouses, query engines, and external table data loaders. Multipart Uploads via the S3 protocol are now supported, enhancing upload throughput with parallel chunk uploads. The platform also supports cross-bucket transfers, standardized error codes, and multi-tenant migrations. Storage is decoupled from other Supabase products, enabling standalone service operation.

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