Moviecart – Full length color movie and audio cartridges for stock Atari 2600

Introducing MovieCart, a groundbreaking software and hardware combo allowing users to create full-length color movie and audio cartridges for the Atari 2600. Watch different files, learn how to encode your own, and pre-order kits at the provided link. Boasting impressive technical specs for its time, MovieCart offers a unique experience with 80 x 192 resolution, 7-bit color, and 4-bit monaural audio. Surprisingly, the system alternates two fields at 60 frames per second, resulting in an effective resolution of 80 x 262 @ 30 fps, with 10 colors per line. Joystick and console controls allow for customization, creating an immersive viewing experience. Interesting and innovative project for Atari enthusiasts.

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