AI and the Automation of Work

Generative AI, Large Language Models (LLMs), and ChatGPT are seen as a transformative change in the world of technology and automation. While there is much debate about LLMs and their impact, it is widely agreed that automation will continue to grow, leading to new types of jobs. The rapid growth of ChatGPT and its user base indicates the potential for significant job disruption. However, history has shown that with each wave of automation, new jobs are created, although they may not be predictable. The “Lump of Labour” fallacy is debunked, as automation actually leads to more job opportunities and increased prosperity. Concerns about the impact of AI on employment need to be considered in the broader context of technological advancements throughout history. The author also explores the idea that automation has led to an upward shift in human capabilities, from physical labor to white-collar work, and now to automating white-collar tasks. The Jevons Paradox is cited as evidence that increased efficiency and automation do not lead to job loss but rather create new jobs and opportunities. The author argues that LLMs, like previous technologies, will lead to job creation, although the speed and scale of this change may pose challenges. The complexity and specialization of

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