TL;DR summary of stories on the internet
Locked in our houses due to current circumstances, it’s crucial to have a pet project to stay sane. Inspired by tweets that are insane, a short series on creating a simple fuzzer from scratch has been initiated. While it’s not practical for actual use with many great fuzzers available, the belief is understanding comes from […]
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In her book Nature’s Ghosts, Sophie Yeo challenges the idea of returning the environment to a pristine past and explores the impact of human activities on nature. She delves into various restoration projects around the world, highlighting the complexities of rewilding and the challenges posed by climate change and overpopulation. Yeo emphasizes the importance of […]
JG Ballard’s novel Empire of the Sun, published 40 years ago, serves as a meditation on time and memory, dealing with the transformative power of traumas and the constant reprocessing of human lives through memory. Born in Shanghai in 1930, Ballard’s experiences during wartime led him to explore themes of societal collapse, extreme situations, and […]
FlowTracker is a Java agent that tracks data flow through Java programs in real-time. By monitoring how a program reads, manipulates, and writes data, FlowTracker provides valuable insights, such as connecting inputs and outputs to understand where data originates from. A demonstration using the Spring PetClinic application showcases how FlowTracker can track HTTP responses, Thymeleaf […]
Over the past two years, the author and Charles Zhang have been working on getting the game engine, Trial, running on the Nintendo Switch. The primary challenge has been porting the Common Lisp runtime to work on this platform, which has proven trickier than expected. They have managed to compile and execute Lisp code on […]
Prof Kahan emphasizes the complexity of time-value of money calculations, highlighting the iconic HP-12c financial calculator. The author, initially ignorant of finance, delves into TVM calculations due to personal mortgage and political events. They describe programming their calculator, testing multiple financial calculators, and discovering a rogue variant of the HP-12c in Brazil that returns inaccurate […]
The author is deeply engaged in the xenocog community, fascinated by how language models are being treated with intellectual respect by individuals like Janus, ampdot, and Theia Vogel. Their interest lies in exploring the mechanics of interactions among these models in group chats, focusing on how different chat models can naturally participate in conversations. The […]
The Milky Way has a complex magnetic field that has been studied through the modeling of pulsar rotation and dispersion measures. While researchers agree that the field is predominantly azimuthal, there is debate over whether it follows a spiral or circular pattern. New methods, such as Zeeman splitting of OH masers, provide insights into the […]
Concurrency and parallelism in programming are often used interchangeably, but they have subtle differences. Concurrency involves alternating between tasks, while parallelism allows multiple tasks to run simultaneously. Threads, processes, and Node.js are different ways to achieve multitasking. Node.js, for example, handles blocking tasks using worker threads. Async functions and callbacks in Node.js help prevent race […]
In a groundbreaking announcement, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved the first over-the-counter hearing aid software device called Hearing Aid Feature. This software is designed to work with compatible Apple AirPods Pro headphones and is intended for individuals aged 18 and above with mild to moderate hearing impairment. The FDA’s decision represents a […]