TL;DR summary of stories on the internet
In the quest to democratize training of large-scale text-to-image generative models, we propose a low-cost approach using a deferred masking strategy that significantly reduces computational cost. By incorporating mixture-of-experts layers and utilizing synthetic images, we trained a 1.16 billion parameter sparse transformer for only $1,890, achieving competitive results with a 12.7 FID on the COCO […]
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SAM 2 is a cutting-edge model developed by Meta’s FAIR team, led by a group of talented individuals including Nikhila Ravi and Valentin Gabeur. SAM 2 revolutionizes promptable visual segmentation in images and videos, boasting a simple transformer architecture for real-time video processing. Notably, SAM 2 introduces the SA-V dataset, the largest video segmentation dataset […]
MeTube is a Web GUI for youtube-dl, allowing users to download videos from YouTube and other sites. Note that 32-bit ARM builds have been retired due to Node version compatibility and security updates. Users are encouraged to migrate to a 64-bit OS for continued support. The platform offers extensive customization options via environment variables and […]
The author delves into the intricacies of designing the Super Nintendo’s video system, exploring details like how CRTs draw images and the importance of vertical and horizontal resolutions. Surprisingly, the decision to use 256 visible dots per line with 85 blank dots led to a slight distortion in the aspect ratio. While most games used […]
Twenty-five years ago, Space Shuttle Columbia narrowly avoided disaster during the launch of the Chandra X-ray observatory. Unbeknownst to the crew, several critical flaws were present, including a loose pin in an engine and chafed wiring. Former Shuttle flight director Wayne Hale described the tense moments as the crew faced potential catastrophic failures. Despite multiple […]
The author discusses the benefits and challenges of using SVG elements on the web, highlighting the ability to style, cache, and control dimensions of SVGs. They explain how to display SVGs using tags, tags, and tags, noting the cacheability issues associated with each method. Surprising information includes how to dynamically style SVGs using CSS and […]
In this blog post, I delve into the development of tea-tasting, a Python package designed for the statistical analysis of A/B tests. This package offers a range of statistical methods and approaches right out of the box, such as Student’s t-test, Bootstrap, and variance reduction with CUPED, as well as support for various data backends. […]
The Virtual Apollo Guidance Computer project aims to recreate the original software that ran on the AGCs of the Apollo spacecraft. The AGC, often likened to a calculator but rather sophisticated, kept track of the spacecraft’s orientation and position using the Inertial Measurement Unit. The AGC needed the Display/Keyboard Unit (DSKY) for astronaut interaction. The […]
The author realized their mental model of setf was incorrect, as Lisp allows for defining new setf forms for assignment, utilizing a macro structure that accesses the structure of its arguments but not their values. This flexibility allows for defining new specializations, such as setting the head of a list or specializing based on the […]
This article discusses the challenges of Movable Tree CRDTs in collaboration and how Loro addresses these challenges by sorting child nodes. The algorithm boasts high performance and production potential. Handling hierarchical relationships in collaborative software is complex, especially with conflicts arising from movement operations. Solutions offered by various software differ in conflict resolution approaches. The […]