TL;DR summary of stories on the internet
The modern Fire Service emphasizes early notification and quick response to emergencies like fires. The history traces back beyond the 1968 911 system to the origins of fire alarms and quick notification methods. With enhanced 911 capabilities today, emergency services can be reached easily through cell phones. The evolution of technology from fire alarm telegraph […]
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YaCy is a free search engine software that allows you to join a community of search engines or create your own search portal. There are three use cases available: P2P mode web search where all users are equal, Your Search Portal which is independent from other peers, and Intranet Search for creating a search portal […]
During World War II in the U.S., rumors spread by Axis propagandists and ordinary citizens caused distrust, divisions, and harm. Frances Sweeney spearheaded a grassroots movement with “rumor clinics” in newspapers to debunk lies. The clinics collected and fact-checked rumors, promoting facts and unity. The government was mostly supportive, but some critics thought the clinics […]
Data compression is essential for optimizing performance on the web. Initially, gzip was the go-to method, but now Brotli and ZStandard provide even better compression ratios. Shared dictionaries can enhance this further by customizing patterns for specific resources, leading to significant compression ratios. For example, compressing Angular 1.8.3 using Angular 1.7.9 as a dictionary achieved […]
The most popular programming language is Excel, embodying an array programming model. Spreadsheets are used for data entry, computation, and presentation, presenting a familiar and visually appealing interface. However, spreadsheets conceal formula errors, posing challenges in resolving large, complex data sets. The Kap programming language provides a solution, offering a user-friendly array editor and efficient […]
Building a search engine is tough, but at Kagi, we prioritize accuracy and reliability. We use AI to enhance, not replace, the search experience and downrank pages with ads. Our personalization features cater to user preferences, and the “Small Web” initiative promotes genuine content. Partnering with Wolfram|Alpha has allowed us to deliver more precise search […]
This comprehensive post outlines over twenty various methods for uniformly random sampling from the surface of a $d$-dimensional sphere or the interior of a $d$-dimensional ball. Methods range from intuitive to mathematically sophisticated approaches, with some being particularly efficient for lower dimensions. The author emphasizes the importance of code complexity and time efficiency when choosing […]
In a fascinating exploration of early computer programming, the Choose Your Own Adventure game Ace of Aces is highlighted for its innovative design. This World War One dogfighting game uses paired picture books as a clever interface, allowing players to make manoeuvres in a simulated aerial battle. The game’s use of a hex grid system […]
JEDEC Solid State Technology Association has announced the release of the JESD239 Graphics Double Data Rate (GDDR7) SGRAM standard, offering double bandwidth over GDDR6 and using the Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM3) interface for high-frequency operations. This groundbreaking memory standard addresses the need for more memory bandwidth in graphics, gaming, compute, networking, and AI applications. Advanced […]
Research scientist Andrew Sutherland spearheaded the exploration into elliptic curves, realizing that existing data was insufficient. He analyzed over a billion elliptic curves, discovering that murmurations appeared consistently despite the scale. The phenomena extended beyond elliptic curves to other L-functions. A workshop organized by Sarnak and colleagues at Brown University unveiled more research on murmurations […]