TL;DR summary of stories on the internet
The author’s five-year-old daughter initially thought math was stupid, but the author and their partner have been successful in making her more excited about math. She has developed an interest in fractals and enjoys watching deep zoom videos of Mandelbrot and Mandelbulb fractal sets. This sparked the author’s curiosity about the connection between fractals and […]
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Twenty years ago, the author bought a Sharp Zaurus SL-5500 Linux PDA and began exploring its capabilities. They became deeply involved in the OpenZaurus and OpenEmbedded communities, working on the development of Linux distributions and collaborating with other developers and users. Eventually, their hobby turned into a full-time job as they started working on embedded […]
Mamikon’s theorem, invented by Mamikon Mnatsakanian, is a method in visual calculus that can solve integral calculus problems with ease. Mamikon first came up with this method in 1959 while working on a geometry problem. What’s surprising is that Mamikon’s method does not require any additional information about the dimensions of the object being calculated. […]
Photographer Stefan Irvine has captured the haunting beauty of abandoned villages in Hong Kong in his new book “Abandoned Villages of Hong Kong.” Despite the city having some of the highest property prices in the world, many of these villages have been left vacant for decades. Irvine’s photographs showcase the natural reclamation of these spaces, […]
Please note that this website may not function properly on Safari and recommends using Google Chrome for the best experience. The website provides code to reproduce and evaluate Stable Audio, a model that can generate variable-length and long-form stereo music at 44.1kHz. The examples include different genres like Berlin techno, rave, and calming meditation music. […]
Surprisingly, it is possible for a toggle switch to indicate its current state and the state it will change to without having text on the button itself. The problem lies in the fact that “on” and “off” can be both adverbs and adjectives in English. However, buttons that have text outside of their body utilize […]
Summary: The author attended the FOSDEM conference in Brussels and provides an overview of their experience. The conference is a free and volunteer-organized event focused on free and open-source software. The author shares their thoughts on the city of Brussels, the sessions they attended, and the various stands and booths at the conference. They provide […]
The Structured State Space for Sequence Modeling (S4) architecture is a new approach to long-range sequence modeling tasks. It has shown impressive results on the Long Range Arena benchmark, demonstrating an ability to reason over sequences of up to 16,000+ elements with high accuracy. The paper presents a different approach to the problem compared to […]
In 1962, the groundbreaking digital video game Spacewar! made its debut on the PDP-1 computer at MIT. This game marked the beginning of video games as we know them today, as it established the essential characteristics and philosophical approaches that define the genre. Inspired by science fiction literature and cinema, Spacewar! pushed the boundaries of […]
A battle is underway between Apple and local developers in Europe over control of the App Store. While Apple claims to have introduced new rules that loosen its grip on the platform, developers argue that the changes only solidify the tech giant’s power. They are now rallying against the new system, accusing Apple of being […]