TL;DR summary of stories on the internet
In a case study, a fifteen-year-old named Jonathan Lebed was able to make nearly $800,000 through stock trading, with a notable 27 trades. The SEC later investigated and found eleven of those trades to be illegal. Lebed was known for purchasing microcap stocks, hyping them on Yahoo! Finance message boards, and then selling them quickly […]
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The author argues that fluency in a foreign language is rare because people don’t put in enough effort. They claim that successful individuals practice ten times more than the average language learner. The key to success is to multiply efforts by ten in whatever area is important to you. They challenge readers to prioritize their […]
tinysshd is a minimalist SSH server that prioritizes secure cryptography with state-of-the-art algorithms like ssh-ed25519 and chacha20-poly1305. It excludes older and unsafe crypto methods and features like password authentication, SSH1 protocol, and port forwarding. The project timeline shows a progression from experimental to beta releases, indicating readiness for production use. The current release includes post-quantum […]
Customize your site colours, code font, and explore popular documentation pages for TypeScript. Learn about creating and customizing different types, functions, objects, and variable declarations. Discover how TypeScript infers types based on runtime behavior and gain an overview of building a TypeScript web app in just 5 minutes. Explore TSConfig options, classes, primitives, built-in utility […]
The author discusses the creation of PSChess using PostScript with the motivation of executing code on a printer and implementing a chess engine. The project is broken down into five steps, four of which are completed. PSChess code is structured in three files, with pieces moved using PostScript instructions. The evaluation function assigns values to […]
In this post, the author discusses how to use std::condition_variable in C++ and the potential pitfalls that arise when mixing atomics with condition variables. The author provides code examples and explains the importance of ensuring clean termination of threads. They highlight a race condition that can occur when utilizing std::atomic and propose a solution by […]
Tech support often suggests “turning it off and back on again” as a solution, which may seem basic. But in reality, many software problems arise from managing complex states that programmers didn’t predict. Users can inadvertently cause errors by clicking or refreshing, leading to crashes and freezes. The simple act of restarting a program can […]
Bioengineers at UCLA have created a thin, flexible device that attaches to the neck, translating larynx muscle movements into audible speech via machine learning. This breakthrough technology helps those with voice disorders caused by vocal cord issues, laryngeal cancer surgeries, or other conditions. Developed by Jun Chen and his team, the device uses a bioelectric […]
The author shares his experience configuring and using Hyprland as a daily driver, highlighting the challenges of transitioning from major Desktop Environments. They provide insight into the tools and scripts created for customization, emphasizing the availability of everything from the package manager on Archlinux. Key topics covered include implementing screen sharing, app launchers, status bars, […]
Johan Röhr, a secret composer using over 650 different names on Spotify, has surpassed big names like Britney Spears and Abba in plays. With more than 2,700 songs under aliases like “Maya Åström” and “Minik Knudsen”, Röhr’s success is attributed to his presence on Spotify’s popular instrumental playlists. Despite criticism about dominating the market and […]