TL;DR summary of stories on the internet
K-12 school closures in 2020 had negative effects on students and teachers and also prevented future educators from receiving training. However, research from Massachusetts and New Jersey suggests that teachers without the full training requirements did not perform worse than their trained peers. In Massachusetts, those granted emergency teaching licenses saw similar rates of growth […]
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In this article, the author discusses how changing uppercase letters to lowercase letters can save data through text compression. They start by explaining that lowercase and uppercase letters use the same amount of data, which makes it surprising that swapping uppercase letters for lowercase letters actually reduces the file size. This is due to the […]
The author of this web content is a programmer and cell biology enthusiast who has embarked on a journey to simulate the simplest cell using TypeScript. The simulation is based on a paper that creates a model of a minimal cell and runs a simulation to observe processes such as DNA replication, metabolism, and protein […]
A new study conducted by Leipzig University, Bauhaus-University Weimar, and the Center for Scalable Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence has revealed that Google Search is struggling to combat SEO spam. The researchers monitored Google, Bing, and DuckDuckGo for a year using product review queries and found that a majority of high-ranking product reviews in search […]
Pratt Parsers: Expression Parsing Made Easy Pratt or “top-down operator precedence” parsers are a clever solution to parsing expressions in a programming language. Recursive descent is easy for parsing declarations and statements, but it becomes challenging when dealing with expressions that contain infix, postfix, and mixfix operators. Pratt parsing solves this problem by providing a […]
In a surprising move, Ubisoft’s director of subscriptions, Philippe Tremblay, admitted that the company wants players to get comfortable with the idea of not owning their games. With the rebranding of its Ubisoft+ subscription services, Ubisoft aims to shift consumer thinking away from game ownership and towards subscription-based access similar to Spotify and Netflix. While […]
This dashboard tracks technical issues in major software platforms that put Firefox at a disadvantage compared to the first-party browser. The issues encompass security, stability, performance, and functionality. The author proposes changes to create a more level playing field and highlights areas where Firefox faces restrictions or limitations. They advocate for updates to App Store […]
Cheese production is at risk due to the standardization of production processes, with blue cheeses, such as Camembert, facing extinction. However, a little-known cheese called Termignon blue, made in the French Alps, could save the blue cheese industry. Unlike other blue cheeses, Termignon blue naturally develops a blue-green mold thanks to a previously unknown population […]
Backpropagation is a powerful algorithm that makes training deep models much faster. It has been reinvented multiple times in different fields and is known as “reverse-mode differentiation.” Computational graphs are a useful tool for understanding mathematical expressions and are closely related to deep learning frameworks like Theano. Derivatives can be calculated on computational graphs by […]
Tart is a virtualization toolset that allows users to build, run, and manage macOS and Linux virtual machines on Apple Silicon. It utilizes Apple’s native Virtualization.Framework, ensuring seamless integration between hardware and software for optimal performance. Tart also integrates with OCI-compatible container registries for remote storage of virtual machine images, similar to Docker containers. It […]