TL;DR summary of stories on the internet
This web content provides instructions and commands for using a HTML templating language for Go. The documentation can be found at The content includes tasks such as building a local version, installing to the user’s bin directory, generating code, running tests and benchmarks, formatting code, running linting tools, creating a production build with goreleaser, […]
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Yellowstone National Park sits on top of a massive supervolcano that erupts catastrophically every few hundred thousand years, forming a caldera. While smaller eruptions have occurred, a supervolcano eruption would have catastrophic effects, including a “volcanic winter” that could lower global temperatures for years and cause major crop failures. Addressing the risk of a supervolcano […]
Pitivi is a Free video editor that offers a seamless user experience, thanks to its visually appealing interface and well-organized codebase. The best part is the amazing community that surrounds the software, inviting users to join and contribute to its development. The team behind Pitivi firmly believes in empowering everyone around the world to showcase […]
The author is currently working on a textbook about electromagnetic waves for graduate optics students. They were researching zero refractive index materials and decided to write a popularized account of their properties. Over the past two decades, there have been significant discoveries in optics that have challenged our understanding of what light can do. One […]
In the fall of 2022, the author decided to use Twitter more out of curiosity about how Elon Musk would handle it. They found solace in using third-party apps like Twitterrific and Tweetbot to navigate the platform in a more user-friendly way. However, on January 12, 2023, Elon Musk abruptly shut down third-party API access […]
China Jinping Underground Laboratory, located in Sichuan province, has become the deepest and largest underground lab in the world. The laboratory, known as the Deep Underground and Ultra-low Radiation Background Facility for Frontier Physics Experiments (DURF), is situated 2,400 meters below ground level. Scientists believe the lab’s extreme depth provides a “clean” space for them […]
The Sophon SG2042 is a groundbreaking commodity 64-core RISC-V CPU that has caught the attention of the HPC community. To determine its potential, we conducted a performance exploration of the SG2042 compared to other RISC-V hardware and high performance x86 CPUs used in modern supercomputers. Utilizing the RAJAPerf benchmarking suite, we discovered that the SG2042 […]
In this blog post, the author reflects on their experience teaching an undergraduate class on chess engines. They highlight that even though they were passionate about the topic, students had other priorities and limited time and energy to devote to the subject. The author emphasizes the need to meet students where they are in terms […]
According to a recent report by Stanford University researchers, many tech companies are not living up to their promises of supporting the ethical development of artificial intelligence (AI). Despite publishing AI principles and employing social scientists and engineers, these companies are not prioritizing the adoption of ethical safeguards. Employees involved in promoting AI ethics reported […]
In an emotionally charged article, the author expresses their disappointment with the recent changes made to the Emacs master branch, which they believe have caused significant problems. They argue that the new changes have made simple tasks more cumbersome and have ignored the concerns of users and developers. The author voices their frustration with the […]