TL;DR summary of stories on the internet
Los Angeles County boasts the highest number of public electric-vehicle fast chargers in the United States. However, WSJ’s Joanna Stern embarked on a remarkable journey to test their functionality in her Rivian R1T. What she discovered was shocking – almost 40% of the charging locations she visited presented problems such as out-of-order signs, payment complications, […]
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The author of this web content shares their personal experience of being diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 44 after struggling with mental health issues for several years. They highlight that ADHD can take different forms and can go undiagnosed until adulthood. They discuss the challenges and benefits of ADHD in the context of […]
In a groundbreaking study published in the peer-reviewed journal Science, Google DeepMind’s AI meteorology model, GraphCast, has proven to outperform conventional weather forecasting methods in predicting global weather conditions up to 10 days in advance. The study revealed that GraphCast surpassed the leading conventional system operated by the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) […]
FBI Director Christopher Wray has urged US lawmakers not to implement a warrant requirement for searches on data collected under FISA Section 702. The controversial amendment will expire in December unless Congress extends it. While Section 702 allows the government to spy on communications of foreigners outside the US, it also collects data on US […]
In this blog post, the author emphasizes the importance of maintaining compatibility and stability in the curl project. They discuss how changes to the code should be made with consideration for legacy platforms, even if those platforms have limited usage. The author explains that their focus on stability and promises is what sets curl apart […]
WebAssembly (Wasm) is a versatile bytecode that operates on the web and serves as a compilation target for various programming languages. It can be used in conjunction with languages such as Rust, AssemblyScript, and Emscripten. One of the standout qualities of Wasm is its compact binary format, which ensures consistent performance and compatibility with JavaScript […]
Small websites often struggle to gain visibility on the internet, as they are difficult to find through mainstream channels like Google or Reddit. This lack of traffic leads to a decline in visitors, resulting in a vicious cycle of limited exposure. Blogs rely on RSS and Atom feeds, which can be stifling and homogenizing. While […]
Scientist is a Ruby library for refactoring critical paths. It allows you to compare the current and refactored behaviors of a large web app under load. The library provides a way to wrap code in use and try blocks, measure the durations of the behaviors, compare the results, and publish the information. You can also […]
In this web content, the author reflects on their journey of building their programming language, Inko, since 2013. They experimented with various languages before settling on Rust as the foundation for Inko. Over the years, Inko has evolved from an interpreted language inspired by Ruby and Smalltalk to a statically-typed language that compiles to machine […]
In this blog post, the author explores the future of cloud data services, specifically focusing on large-scale and multi-tenant architectures. They discuss the benefits of serving customers over large resource pools, such as simplicity, reliability, durability, scalability, and low price. The author is conducting a survey of real-world serverless, multi-tenant data architectures in various systems […]