TL;DR summary of stories on the internet
Hold on to your butts because we’re about to launch a recreation of the iconic scene from Jurassic Park. Take a moment to watch the video above and prepare for an adventure. If you’re feeling a bit lost, don’t worry, just type “help” into the console and we’ll provide you with a handy list of […]
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In 2016, I released a popular book titled “The Essential Guide to Electronics in Shenzhen”, which provided valuable insights into the electronics industry in this vibrant city. However, times have changed, and so has Shenzhen. Now, the guide has a new maintainer, the incredible Naomi Wu, also known as @realsexycyborg. She is crowdfunding an updated […]
Chimera is a general-purpose operating system that was created in response to the dissatisfaction with the current state of Linux distributions. The main goal of Chimera is to provide a simple and practical system that doesn’t require extensive setup and customization. It achieves this by combining tools from FreeBSD, the LLVM toolchain, and the Musl […]
The article explores the possibility of detecting traces of past industrial civilizations on Earth and discusses the potential impact on the geological record. It highlights the importance of understanding the likelihood of finding other intelligent civilizations in the universe and presents the concept of industrial civilizations as those capable of harnessing external energy sources at […]
A recent study analyzing data from NASA’s Cassini mission has revealed exciting findings about Saturn’s moon Enceladus. The study confirms the presence of hydrogen cyanide, a molecule crucial for the origin of life, as well as several organic compounds that serve as a supercharged source of chemical energy. These discoveries suggest that Enceladus could have […]
At the IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting, Intel, Samsung, and TSMC showcased their progress in developing CFETS (complementary field-effect transistors), which could lead to processors with almost double the density of transistors. CFETs involve stacking different types of transistors needed for CMOS logic into a single structure. The transition from FinFET to nanosheet transistors is […]
The author, who considers themselves a regular person, specializes in performing development and training missions in hard-to-reach places. They emphasize the unique requirements of these missions, where one must prepare for various challenges and pack essential items such as soap, HDMI cables, and a hunting knife. The author reflects on the unpredictability of life and […]
Signal has recently open-sourced a SQLite extension that improves support for non-latin languages in the Full-Text Search (FTS) feature. This article provides additional information about the internal structure of SQLite’s FTS implementation for developers interested in delving deeper than the official documentation. It explains how FTS5 is used, introduces Signal’s FTS5 extension for Chinese and […]
Ecologist Thomas Crowther, formerly of the United Nations’ Trillion Trees Campaign, used to advocate for mass tree plantations as a solution to climate change. However, he has now changed his tune, arguing that these plantations are not as effective or beneficial as they are often portrayed. Crowther’s previous study, which suggested that the Earth had […]
In this web content, the author emphasizes the decreasing nutritional value of fruits and vegetables over time. They explain that these foods are essential for a healthy diet due to their mineral and vitamin content. The author highlights a study that compared the mineral contents of fruits and vegetables from different time periods and found […]