11 years of SaaS product strategy

Over the last year, Tanda has expanded from a single-product company to launching multiple new products that seamlessly integrate with each other. Reflecting on the different phases of product strategy over the last decade, the author discusses the initial phase of product development, where the focus is on building the minimum viable product (MVP) and gathering feedback from potential users. They argue against starting with market research and instead emphasize the importance of already having a clear idea of what customers want. As product development progresses, the author stresses the significance of building obvious features that customers expect and suggests avoiding excessive prioritization. The article also highlights some strategies that didn’t work well for Tanda, such as succumbing to pressure from big customers, prioritizing based on revenue, and forcing innovation. The author discusses the importance of aligning product development with the rest of the company and with customers’ deployment pace. They share their company’s approach of using OKRs and adopting a quarterly cadence for product thinking. The author concludes by encouraging companies in the transition from phase 1 to phase 2 to consider adding a second product, as it can energize the team and lead to happier customers. They also offer three big tips for product strategy: being less afraid of adding new products


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