2,500 continuous runtime hours on a 4.77Mhz DOS web server

BrutmanLabs.Org is a unique form of retrocomputing performance art that is powered by a remarkable 39-year-old IBM PCjr. The hardware consists of a NEC V20 CPU running at 4.77Mhz, 736KB of RAM, a jrIDE sidecar for IDE adapter and memory, and a 240GB SATA SSD connected to a SATA/IDE bridge. Additionally, there is a Xircom PE3-10BT parallel-port Ethernet adapter to enable internet connectivity. On the software front, the machine runs IBM PC DOS 5.02 and utilizes the mTCP HTTPServ web server for DOS. Surprisingly, the server has been running continuously for an impressive 2,500 hours with no reboots or restarts. In addition to this technologically impressive project, the author shares their professional skills and resume, inviting visitors to explore more of their work on brutman.com.


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