280M e-bikes and mopeds are cutting demand for oil far more than electric cars

Short trips taken by car contribute to emissions, pollution, and petrol costs. In Australia, almost half of all commuter trips are by car and less than 10km. The same trend is seen in the United States, where 60% of car trips cover less than 10km. While electric vehicles are often seen as the solution, electric bikes and mopeds are actually more efficient and cost-effective for short trips. These forms of transportation are displacing four times the demand for oil compared to electric cars due to their popularity in countries like China. Electric micromobility, including mopeds and bikes, is cutting oil demand by a million barrels per day. This is more than all the world’s electric cars combined. While electric vehicles are cleaner than traditional cars, their manufacture and reliance on rare earth elements may undermine their environmental benefits. However, they are cheaper to run in terms of fuel and maintenance costs. Electric mopeds and bikes provide a greener and more affordable alternative to cars, especially for short trips. They also address the last-kilometer problem in public transportation, reducing emissions. As petrol prices rise and battery prices fall, the demand for oil is expected to decline, with electric micromobility playing a significant role in this


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