In this web content, the author recounts their experience with setting up a DHCP server and realizing that they had not opened the necessary firewall ports. They explain that DHCP is unique because it uses packet filters tied into the IP stack before the firewall, which allows it to bypass certain restrictions imposed by the […]
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SQLite’s BEGIN CONCURRENT enhancement allows multiple writers to process write transactions at the same time, as long as the database is in “wal” or “wal2” mode. However, COMMIT commands are still serialized. When a write transaction is initiated with “BEGIN CONCURRENT”, the database is not locked until a COMMIT is executed. This means that multiple […]
Design Thinking is a concept that has gained popularity in design circles and business networks. It has been associated with organizations like Singularity University and IDEO, and individuals at Stanford University’s design school have been pushing and selling Design Thinking. However, the deeper you dig into Design Thinking, the more vague it becomes. Despite this, […]
In this web content, the author introduces a series of books, including “A Child’s Geography of the World,” “A Child’s History of the World,” and “Child Training,” among others. The purpose of these books is to provide children with a broader understanding of the world and its history. The author emphasizes the importance of teaching […]
MultiBoy is a multiplayer gameboy that runs on WebRTC and Nitric. While I did not create the emulator used in this project, I have made some modifications to enable audio streaming. If you’re interested in trying out the demo, let me know or you can run it locally or deploy it on your AWS account. […]
Researchers from the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences have developed a new hydrogel ink infused with gelatin fibers that enables 3D printing of a functional heart ventricle that mimics the beating of a human heart. This breakthrough in 3D printing technology allows for the alignment of heart muscle cells in […]
How cool is this! Wavy walls, also known as crinkle crankle walls, crinkum crankum walls, serpentine walls, or ribbon walls, are gaining popularity. Not only do these walls look unique and clever, but they also use less bricks than straight walls because they can be made just one brick thin. The alternating convex and concave […]
AlpacaEval is an LLM-based automatic evaluation tool that is fast and reliable. It is built on the AlpacaFarm evaluation set, which measures the ability of models to follow general instructions given by users. The evaluation compares model responses to reference Davinci003 responses using auto-annotators like GPT-4, Claude, or ChatGPT. The tool has a high agreement […]
Jupyter Notebook 7 is a major release that brings several exciting new features and improvements. The release includes real-time collaboration, interactive debugging, table of contents, theming and dark mode, internationalization, improved accessibility, and a compact view on mobile devices. This release also marks the integration of Jupyter Notebook and JupyterLab, providing a unified and flexible […]
Harry S. Pyle was an exceptional talent in electronics engineering, with accomplishments that included obtaining the highest level of amateur radio license, designing the Intel 8008 microprocessor, and creating the first commercial local area computer network. In 1969, Pyle amazed everyone with a small electronic gadget he built. The device generated random music and had […]