A cautionary tale about software dependencies during major geopolitical events

In this article, the author shares their observations and experience with an open source repository. They discovered an impressive React UI library and framework in 2021 that had unique features and was well-organized. However, in mid-2022, the founder expressed their dislike for CSS frameworks and made changes to the library, including the removal of a CSS-in-JS feature. The author tried the new version but encountered difficulties and noticed changes to important dependencies. They express disappointment in the deviation from the original vision of the project and caution readers to not be misled by outdated information. The author also raises speculation about the founder’s identity and motivations. Their attempt to communicate with the project’s team on Discord resulted in being blocked and banned. The author concludes by emphasizing the importance of not being blindsided by new developments, especially during times of war and increased online connectivity. They choose not to share the name of the project or its developers to avoid potential repercussions.


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