A group of Motherboard folks just spun up their own new independent outlet

404 Media is a digital media company created by four journalists from VICE’s Motherboard. The company aims to provide society-shifting technology journalism and build a sustainable, responsible, reader-supported business. They promise to report on unique stories that can’t be found elsewhere, exposing bad actors and pointing out the absurd. They will cover serious topics while being irreverent and having fun. Controversial topics they plan to cover include a data broker ecosystem, generative AI creating non-consensual sexual images, and the DHS using AI to track sentiment and emotion. They will offer some articles behind a paywall but provide perks to subscribers. The company intends to expand into books, documentaries, films, and podcasts. They will focus on transparency, explaining their work and how systems of power operate. They plan to file Freedom of Information Act requests and engage in ground-up reporting. Their previous work has had significant impacts, and they want to continue making a difference. They believe in paying journalists livable wages and propose a sustainable model where good journalism can generate revenue. They invite readers to support them in their mission.


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