Bernoulli’s Principle, although not commonly associated with firefighting tactics, plays a crucial role in many operations. In fire behavior courses, we learn that fire travels from areas of high pressure to areas of lower pressure, which forms the basis of understanding ventilation and flow paths. Traditional ventilation, often misunderstood as cooling down a structure, actually heats it up due to modern fires being limited by ventilation rather than fuel. However, traditional ventilation still offers advantages like controlling flow paths and increasing victim survivability. Positive Pressure Ventilation (PPA) attempts to create higher internal pressure to force fire and gases out, but it can also push them into difficult-to-detect void spaces. Nozzle operations also utilize air flow, with the air creating areas of higher pressure that draw the fire towards lower pressure areas. Understanding Bernoulli’s Principle is essential in under ventilated spaces and when directing water into a structure from the exterior.