Blocked by Cloudflare

I experienced an issue with Cloudflare that resulted in me being blocked from accessing a website I needed for work. Cloudflare’s secure connection loop can cause problems for users trying to access websites that use their services. These security pages can get stuck in a loop, preventing users from accessing the site. I tried various solutions to bypass the loop, but it ultimately resulted in me being blocked from another unrelated website I needed for work. Cloudflare’s blocking mechanism seems to be based on browser fingerprinting, as I was able to access the same page using Google Chrome without any issues. This raises concerns about the future of the web and the power that unaccountable corporations have over individual access to resources. The introduction of proposals like the Web Integrity API and passkeys further compounds these concerns. While these ideas may have benefits, it’s important to consider how much control individuals will have over their data and whether these measures truly enhance privacy and security. Overall, the author expresses frustration with the current state of online security and the potential implications for individual freedoms.

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