Busiest day ever for electric vehicle charging predicted on UK roads

Saturday, July 22 is predicted to be the busiest day ever for EV charging in the UK, with around 400,000 electric vehicles estimated to be on the roads. Moto Hospitality, a UK-based motorway service area operator, expects queues at charging sites located along major routes to holiday destinations this weekend. Despite the rollout of ultra rapid EV chargers on UK motorways, Moto says that queues will be unavoidable. The company will provide marshalls in collaboration with Tesla and Gridserve to help manage the flow of EV traffic and ensure the safety of drivers and pedestrians. However, Moto’s CEO warns that marshalling is not a long-term solution to queues and calls for more power to meet the rising demand for charging infrastructure. As of June 2023, there were over 44,000 public charging devices installed across the UK, showing overall year-on-year growth of 36%. Moto has launched ‘Motofesto’, highlighting the challenges it faces in securing power and necessary National Grid connections and calling on the government to designate public EV infrastructure as ‘nationally significant’ to speed up planning consents. A separate report by EV trade body Recharge UK provides insight into areas in the UK likely to experience high levels of public charging demand and the need


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