Common infections can spark psychiatric illnesses in children

In September 2007, Garrett Pohlman, a seven-year-old boy, experienced a sudden and terrifying mental decline. He exhibited strange behaviors, such as sticking out his tongue and jerking his limbs, and believed that radiation was coming out of the electrical sockets and that birds would peck them to death if they went outside. It was later discovered that Garrett had PANDAS, a condition caused by an autoimmune reaction following an infection with group A Streptococcus. Many doctors are still unaware of PANDAS and its related condition, PANS, leading to misdiagnoses and inappropriate treatments. However, awareness is gradually increasing, and research is shedding light on the underlying mechanisms of these disorders. The article suggests that other psychiatric conditions may also be triggered by infections and autoimmune reactions. Efforts are being made to improve understanding and diagnosis of PANDAS and PANS, but more work is needed to prevent long-term damage and improve outcomes for affected children.

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