Computational Discovery on Jupyter

Welcome to Computational Discovery on Jupyter! In this section, we won’t be diving into definitions, theorems, or computations. Instead, we have a picture of infinite infinity symbols and a brief discussion about why we created this Open Educational Resource (OER) and what you can gain from it.

Using Python, we will explore intriguing mathematics that goes beyond the standard curriculum. This presents a chance for you to learn a popular programming language. Why choose mathematics over other sciences like biology or physics? Simply put, math is the simplest of them all, and you probably already know that. This is a speedy way to grasp Python, while also picking up some other knowledge along the way.

Our goal is to fulfill the desire expressed by our students for more programming education, starting earlier. Additionally, we hope to engage a wider audience in mathematics by offering fascinating math topics from the start, thanks to the powerful tools we will utilize. While math is useful in many fields, our focus will be on the heart of mathematics itself.

To present the material, we will employ a variety of mediums, including videos, images, programs, programming activities, pencil-and-paper exercises, and this Jupyter Book and its associated Jupyter Notebooks. We encourage contributions from

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