CRDTs Turned Inside Out

Merkle CRDTs are a class of CRDTs that use Merkle Trees and DAGs to track concurrent edits. The Merkle-DAG model represents CRDTs as a growing DAG of Merkle nodes, while the Merkle Search Tree (MST) maintains an ordered set of keys. These structures have advantages such as reducing data sent over the network, immutability for easy diffs and undos, and the ability to determine equality and diffs by comparing hashes and walking down the structure. However, there are downsides, such as the history of changes growing with the number of events and vulnerability to tall trees and variance in node sizes. The surprising connection is that the structure of Merkle CRDTs mirrors how Git is structured, with its focus on the bookkeeping data structure rather than conflict resolution. The search continues for even better data structures to implement composable CRDTs.

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