Congenital Aphantasics are individuals who cannot generate mental images, as confirmed by low scores on the VVIQ2 questionnaire. While Derek experiences detailed imagined audio and visual experiences, Loren does not have imagined audio experiences, inner monolog, or audio/visual dreams. Loren’s unique visual experiences, including motion aftereffects and tilt illusions, suggest minimal impact from expectations or feedback. Her inability to discern 3D shapes and experience color spreading contrasts typical perception. Loren’s atypical sensory experiences align with Aphantasia traits, resembling those with Autism Spectrum Disorder, though she does not meet diagnostic criteria. Deep Aphantasia is proposed as a hypothesis to explain Loren’s unique visual perception patterns. Ultimately, Aphantasia offers insights into cognitive differences and may inform interventions involving imagery. These findings underscore the need for better identification methods in this research field.