Fixing a knockoff Altera USB Blaster that never worked

In this blog post, the author details their experience fixing flawed Altera USB Blaster clone devices while working on a project called Time Sleuth for HDMI input lag testing. They share their struggles with cheap programming cables, specifically the Waveshare USB Blaster V2, which had compatibility issues with Linux but worked fine in Windows. Through meticulous investigation using Wireshark captures and oscilloscope analysis, they discovered that the issue stemmed from the adapter’s timing, reaching a solution by adjusting the clock speed using an RP2040 microcontroller. Additionally, they purchased a $9 USB Blaster clone with a WCH CH552G microcontroller, finding it to be ineffective due to lack of response and causing BSOD on Windows systems. The post concludes with insights into the diverse market of USB Blaster clones, and how different versions may have varying efficacy based on the microcontroller used.

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