Flappy Dird: Flappy Bird Implemented in MacOS Finder

The author created a game called Flappy Dird, which is a version of Flappy Bird inside MacOS Finder. The game has instructions, high score tracking, and marquee banner ads. The author explains how they came up with the idea for Flappy Dird and the process of creating it using Finder’s features, such as the “Date Last Opened” field for directories. They also mention using emojis in filenames to draw the game in Finder. The author faced challenges with screen tearing and slow startup speed but found solutions through AppleScript and double buffering. The game runs at 1 frame per second and accepts input through file selection. They later rewrote the game in AppleScript to improve startup speed. The author enjoyed creating Flappy Dird and suggests that it’s possible to build other games using Finder’s features.


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