FrameOS – operating system for single function smart frames

FrameOS is an operating system specifically designed for single function smart frames. It can be installed on a Raspberry Pi and is compatible with various e-ink and traditional displays. The system caters to screens that update either once every 60 seconds or 60 times per second, making it suitable for a range of applications such as smart home calendars, meeting room displays, thermostats, industrial dashboards, and public advertisement screens. Notably, FrameOS offers centralized deployment through the FrameOS Controller, which connects to Raspberry Pis via SSH for direct software installation. It is written in Nim, a compiled language, resulting in a single efficient binary that encompasses all apps, assets, and drivers. A unique feature is the diagram editor, which allows users to combine Nim apps into scenes using a drag-and-drop interface. Additionally, FrameOS provides support for GPT4, provides hardware guides for tested displays, and offers a web server kiosk mode. However, it is important to note that the software is still in early development and does not have a stable release, meaning things may break without warning. The developers encourage users to try it out and contribute to its improvement. For more information on the motivations behind FrameOS, refer to the blog post “Why

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