Henry Kissinger Has Died

Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, a polarizing figure in US foreign policy during the Cold War, has passed away at the age of 100. Kissinger served as America’s top diplomat and national security adviser during the Nixon and Ford administrations and continued to be consulted by leaders for decades after leaving office. Born in Germany, Kissinger became a US citizen in 1943 and later played a significant role in ending the Vietnam War, improving US-China relations, and promoting peace in the Middle East through shuttle diplomacy. Kissinger faced criticism for his support of repressive regimes, but he dismissed it as ignorant. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1973 but faced controversy surrounding it. Despite his age, Kissinger remained active and his counsel was sought by various US presidents. He maintained strong ties with China even in the face of strained US-China relations. Kissinger is survived by his wife, Nancy, two children from a previous marriage, and five grandchildren.


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