HTTrack Website Copier

HTTrack version 3.49-2 (05/20/2017) includes engine fixes and updates including keep-alive, redirects, new hashtables, and unit tests. To install HTTrack, visit the download section. For help and questions, visit the forum, read the documentation, FAQs, or browse the sources. HTTrack is a free and easy-to-use offline browser utility that allows you to download entire websites from the internet to your local directory. It builds directories recursively, downloading HTML, images, and other files. HTTrack arranges the original site’s link structure and allows you to browse the mirrored website offline. It can update existing sites and resume interrupted downloads. Fully configurable with an integrated help system, HTTrack is available for Windows (2000 and above) as WinHTTrack and for Linux/Unix/BSD as WebHTTrack.

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