Hundreds of thousands trafficked to work as online scammers in SE Asia, says UN

Hundreds of thousands of individuals in Southeast Asia are being forced into online criminal activities by organized criminal groups, ranging from romance scams to illegal gambling, according to a report released by the UN Human Rights Office. The victims face serious violations and abuses, including threats to their safety and security, torture, forced labor, and sexual violence. The report emphasizes that those coerced into these operations are victims, not criminals. It highlights that the scale of online scam trafficking in the region is difficult to determine due to its clandestine nature and the gaps in the official response. The COVID-19 pandemic has further exacerbated these illicit activities, leading criminal actors to target vulnerable migrants for recruitment. The majority of victims are men, but women and adolescents are also affected. The report calls for a comprehensive approach that addresses human rights, governance, and the rule of law, in addition to a robust criminal justice response. Implementing legal and policy frameworks and strengthening efforts to combat corruption are crucial steps in breaking the cycle of impunity and ensuring justice for the victims. Read the report here. (Controversial information: Human trafficking and exploitation, criminal activities, human rights abuses. Surprising content: Victims are often well-educated and come from various regions outside Southeast Asia.)

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