In college, the author was required to keep strict lab notebooks, even as a computational student. Although they initially struggled with using the notebook, they now understand and value the purpose. Lab notebooks serve as a disciplined record of daily activities and thoughts. In software engineering, it is important to document unsuccessful attempts and solutions to avoid repeating the same mistakes. Lab notebooks also prevent burnout by allowing developers to safely stop work at any time. The notebooks are valuable for future reference and can save time when clients request information or advice. Writing in a notebook is socially graceful and shows active participation in meetings. The author emphasizes the importance of discipline and provides guidelines for maintaining a lab notebook, including always using pen, recording problem statements, deviations from plans, and daily summaries. A table of contents and safe storage of the notebooks is recommended. The author personally uses Vela gridded notebooks for their built-in features and finds them worth the investment. Overall, lab notebooks provide a permanent and organized record of work and thoughts. The author clarifies that while similar, a lab notebook is distinct from a bullet journal or planner and encourages readers to find a system that suits them.