Libwebsockets is a versatile C library that provides client and server support for various protocols, including http/1, http/2, websockets, and MQTT. It offers a lightweight, scalable, and flexible solution, making it suitable for applications ranging from embedded RTOS to mass cloud serving. The library supports popular implementations such as JSON, CBOR, JOSE, and COSE, and includes out-of-the-box support for OpenSSL and MbedTLS. It has extensive event loop sharing capabilities, supporting various event libs. The library also provides over 100 minimal examples for quick implementation. Notably, it has undergone rigorous CI testing and is widely used in the industry. A newly developed feature allows for driving EPD or TFT/OLED displays using HTML and CSS with limited resources. Additionally, a Perl binding for libwebsockets is now available. The library also introduces Secure Streams, which simplifies connectivity by segregating connection policies and providing a higher-level interface to access capabilities. This ensures more manageable code and seamless updates to the wire protocol. The library offers a comparison between the low-level wsi method and the Secure Streams approach. It supports various protocols and TLS options, and enables serialization and multiplexing for connection sharing. The library also supports