Linkwarden – An open source collaborative bookmark manager

Linkwarden is a fantastic tool for collecting, organizing, and archiving webpages. Whether you come across an interesting article, a valuable resource, or something inspiring for your project, Linkwarden makes it easy to save and categorize everything in one central hub. You can collect links from any browser with just a few clicks and effortlessly organize them with custom tags and folders. But it doesn’t stop there – Linkwarden also allows you to preserve webpages for eternity, ensuring you never have to worry about broken links. Additionally, it’s great for collaboration, as you can invite team members to work on shared collections and control their permissions. And that’s not all – with its open-source nature, powerful search, and intuitive design, Linkwarden has a lot more to offer. So why wait? Sign up now for a 14-day free trial and experience the wonders of Linkwarden!

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