Loadsharers: Funding the Load Bearing Internet People (2020)

Loadsharers, a social network committed to providing financial support to Load Bearing Internet Persons (LBIPs), has partnered with various remittance services such as Patreon, SubscribeStar, Liberapay, and PayPal to fund these individuals. Loadsharers pledge to contribute a minimum of $30 per month to one, two, or three LBIPs. Future adjustments may be necessary to account for inflation. To effectively allocate support, Loadsharers has a team of experienced LBIPs who gather information from the network and recommend worthy individuals and projects. This decentralized approach ensures that funding is not monopolized by a small number of high-profile figures. Loadsharers have full control over where their money goes and can choose whether or not to follow the advice of the recommendation team.


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