Log is the “Pro” in iPhone 15 Pro

The iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max offer log video recording, which is a big deal for videographers. Log video is flat and known, meaning it lacks the punchy, saturated colors of regular iPhone footage but retains all the dynamic range and detail. To make log footage look right, it needs to be color managed with a Look-Up Table (LUT). The great thing about log footage is that you can choose the LUT and color grade the footage in a natural and organic way. The iPhone 15 Pro Max also allows for recording ProRes Log video to an external USB-C drive, unlocking 4K 60fps recording. However, it’s important to note that log footage from the iPhone is still heavily processed and not raw. The Blackmagic Camera app offers greater manual control for those who want it. Log footage is also compatible with various color spaces, making it useful for VFX artists and colorists. Apple’s log format does not match any pre-existing ACES format but can be converted to Rec. 709 video or to ACES formats like ACEScc. Apple has provided a LUT for converting from Apple Log to Rec. 709 video, but additional LUTs can be used to achieve different looks.


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