Minum – A minimal Java web framework

Minim Framework is an experimental web framework that follows a minimalistic approach. It aims to demonstrate the concept of “less is more.” For a detailed understanding of its intentions, purpose, and benefits, one can refer to the development handbook. The framework offers features such as a secure TLS 1.3 HTTP/1.1 web server, an in-memory database with disk persistence, server-side templating, and a logging and testing framework. In terms of size, the compiled size of Minim is 150 kilobytes, and it has far fewer lines of production code compared to other frameworks like Javalin and Spring Boot. As for performance, Minim can handle 19,000 HTTP responses per second, perform 2,000,000 database updates per second, and render 27,000 templates per second. The framework provides documentation in the form of a development handbook, javadocs, site reports, and a mutation test report. Users can also find example projects that demonstrate the usage of Minim, with options for both basic functionality and the smallest-possible application.


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